Ina-Maria Schmidbauer, Patrick von Ridder and Peter Scheller have been working together since 2005. From interior fittings and small projects, we have progressed via urban development to residential construction. We are proud of almost 400 realised flats, many beautiful and also successful competition entries and, above all, of the cooperation with a great team. But something will change in the future: Palais Mai will be managed by Patrick von Ridder and Peter Scheller.
From April 2020, Ina-Maria Schmidbauer will leave Palais Mai to her two partners to seek and find new challenges. Not just a phrase, but a reality. The cloth is a project that Ina-Maria designed as a private person for Palais Mai and we all printed together. We continue to be closely connected, not only in the memory of 15 beautiful years, but also in joy for the future.